The starting point

The starting point

Friday 21 October 2022

10/10/22 Munni Munni Creek


    Another few days of chatting with friends , shopping and cleaning the ute and van , had us wanting to get out & about . It's staying hot up here as well , fortunately each day we get a sea breeze to cool things down a bit . So we headed out Warlu Road towards Millstream , but only went out about 20klms and turned off onto this road . It was bordered by Mulla Mulla , and lots of it .

    Throw in some white everlasting daisies as well .

   Followed a track down toward Munni Munni Creek , past more flowers .

    A little further down , we found the dry creek bed .

    More tiny flowers along the creek bed .

   And finally there was some water . It seems this section is really popular with locals , as there were tyre tracks everywhere . 

    An aerial view shows the tyre tracks and the surrounding flood plains 

    And here's the ute to give some perspective to the photo .

    It was 35 degrees , so we didn't stay out side long , the sand and rocks was starting to burn our feet . Back out to the first road we turned  off on and we headed off to the right to a spot called Radio Tower Lookout . There was a small mine next door , and the track up the hill was a mixture of bitumen in the steep sections , and gravel in the not so steep sections - 4WD was necessary ! Views from the top were pretty good , 360 degree views .

    The dark line is actually an iron ore train heading toward Dampier 

    Rocky ridges stretch into the distance , it's different landscape up here .

     This is looking to the north toward Dampier , the long line at the right is that iron ore train again .

    Here's a view of Warlu road with a few cars heading toward Dampier , the green is spinifex .

    And here's an empty train heading back toward Tom Price , that is the 3rd engine - there's another two to the right .

     And with that we headed back into town , and prepared for the next leg of our journey , toward Carnarvon . Here's a map link :-

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