The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 6 October 2022

25/9/22 Barnhill Day 1


   Leaving Broome , we head to one of our favourite spots - Barnhill Station !! We arrived at 11:30 and found things have changed a bit , cliff side sites are now able to be booked over the internet , at an increased price of $45 !! We stayed over the other side of the track and paid $35 !! Everything else seems to be the same though . After lunch we headed down to the beach , it was approaching low tide and there was over 40m of beach .

   People have labelled these rocks as Lost City .

    As we walked around a smile started to get wider - back in our happy place . Around the headland and onto the southern side beach with the pindan cliffs , rocks & birds . Both beaches were pretty well empty , another plus from us ! We do like it when it gets quieter .

    This is beside the entertainment area near the kiosk - the vans you can see are on the clifftop sites - not really any closer to the water than we were .

   And a beautiful sunset to finish off our first day . Here's a map link :-

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