The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Handkerchief Beach & Tuross Heads

Hi there , here is todays writing position .
 Kianga - looking back to Narooma and Montague Island
  Well , nothing planned for today so it was off to the beach beside the caravan park ( thought we better have a look seeing it was only a 200m walk from the RV ). Handkerchief Beach wasn't the biggest , but wasn't small either , with views to Montague Island . There was an estuary that goes into Corunna Lake on the southern end of the beach , which we wandered down to . There were small fish - about 15mm long swimming around madly - as we walked beside the incoming tide , and the further we walked , the size of the fish increased - the largest whiting we saw today was about 300mm . We followed the water in about 500m and found the end of the walk , so turned and headed back out to the beach again .
Handkerchief Beach
 We wandered back up the beach and sat and watched for a while before heading back in to the RV . The water temperature is quite nice , not really cold at all .
 Time to go to town , shopping has to be done , but before that we headed to Tuross Heads - a nice quiet town beside the lake and ocean - quite a lot of houses , golf course , 2 caravan parks . We did the scenic drive around the coast line before it took us to the lake . Stopping for a loo break , we also found the boatshed cafe , you walked down a steep section of road then down some steps to find yourself on the sloping deck beside the lake . Boats were tied up with the occupants having lunch , and a few other people who drove in like us . Fish & calamari for lunch was really nice , the fish melted in your mouth & the calamari was good as well . The view from the top deck seating was pretty good as well .

Lunch taken care of , it was back to Kianga to write todays blog . Time to go shopping now , see you tomorrow .

Coila Beach - north side of Tuross Heads 

Tuross Lake

1 comment:

  1. Well i havnt time to look at yr blog this weektill now and was delighted by all those fab photos. Looks like some nice venues for some rdo weekends. Lol. Good to see some facinating ones like the octopi. I love nature. It truley is amazing. Love di.
