The starting point

The starting point

Monday 9 March 2015

Wagonga Inlet Paddle

Here is todays blog site picture .
This is the access channel into Narooma 

 Hope you're enjoying the photo's etc , todays little foray was a paddle in and around the Wagonga Inlet from Riverside Dr in Narooma . We put in and paddled away toward one of the marinas - this one is well in and about 1klm from the bridge . The water still is clear as and a pleasure to be out on .   We went around toward the marina , where there were some beautiful timber yachts and cruisers .

 We continued on past another point and across to the other side near some oyster leases , before heading to the bridge and around to the boat ramp . The incoming tide was quite strong around the bridge - like paddling in strong floodwaters . We got pushed by the current to the middle then decided to keep going and get in some shallower water , where things calmed down . At least the paddle back was going to be really easy as we had all that current to push us back . 

Just a photo to let you know Lyn is still here with me .
 We got back to the ute around 12:30 after paddling for about 2 hours . Back to the RV to have lunch and wash all the salt water off everything - us included .
Our campsite
 Back to town to write this instalment for you all , it's a real chore trying to find somewhere different each time to write the blog , but we will continue to put ourselves out there to do it !!
  The park has become a lot quieter today as most of Canberra has returned to their homes today after their long weekend .
We are here until Wednesday , when we will probably start to head back north again . 
Till tomorrow - we'll be back !!!!

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