The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 17 April 2016

17/4/16 A big drive

  Woken by rain again this morning , not heavy , but constant . We had a leisurely breakfast and waited patiently for the rain to pass , before packing up . We drove out the gate at 10am , heading off to Narrogin .
 The road followed the river for quite a way through sheep country , scattered with wheat fields in the process of being seeded ready for the next crop .
 Before long we had found the golf club on the outskirts of Narrogin , over the hill and here we are , we drive into the park and head to the office . Apologising for being here at 10:20 am wasn't required and we drove over and set up , all done and sitting reading information by 11am - what a huge day !!
 The local chamber of commerce has been kind enough to encourage visitors to the caravan park by offering a $10 voucher to be used in town at a variety of shops - you get one voucher per stay !! We spent ours at the local supermarket .
 Time for a drive around town , Narrogin is a large town with a population of 5300 , supporting several car dealers , 2 supermarkets , a lot of smaller shops and also a lot of rural industries . The town hall looks great .

  There are lots of older houses , and the railway was probably a source of additional employment .
We headed out one street that lead us out of town to the east , taking us past a trucking company depot and then into the wheat fields . The Salmon Gums are more prevalent here , and one really stood out - it was extremely white , with the top branches being the typical bronze colour .

  Back to town and round a few more roads , past the sporting complex and horse racing track - there were some races on today !! Back to the park , we unloaded the food , then went for a walk down the road to check out the hospital - your now thinking , why are they checking out the hospital ??? - well tomorrow Lyn gets an Xray and hopefully gets rid of the cast on her arm !!!
 On the way down we went past a tree that was flowering - it has the most amazing flower . It starts of in a bud , then comes out yellow , then pink , before blooming into a deep red ball with cream stamens - stunning !!

  The wattle is starting to flower here as well , there are many different types in this area .

  That's it for today ,
here is a map link :-

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