The starting point

The starting point

Friday 15 September 2017

12/9/17 The Esplanade

  Today we headed into Cairns to have a look around , we haven't been into the centre of the city for quite some time , so today's the day .
 After making our way down the mountain , there were several turnoff's to the northern beaches , we took Machan's Beach - it's closest to Cairns , not far off the end of the airport runway either . Much of the beach is actually rock that's been put in place to stop the road & houses from being washed into Trinity Bay .

 Barron River also greets the ocean here , you can drive up to the river .

 Heading not town , we stop at the northern end of The Esplanade and unload the bikes , a bike trail takes you all the way down to The Pier , the Cruise Ship Terminal and The Old Pier .

  The Esplanade is a dedicated parkland with children playgrounds , bbq's , tables & chairs and a few sculptures thrown in as well .

 The Pier is as it sounds , parking for yacht's & motor cruisers , shopping and eating - it's the white building in this photo .

 Here's the newest edition to be placed in the parkland .

 The stingray is amazing , the amount of work that went into it and the detail !!!

 Over at East Trinity a bushfire was burning happily , when we asked about it we were told is was a controlled burn - we've since found out it is a bushfire , and went close to many homes !!

 AS you could imagine , it is almost impossible to fight it due to the terrain , so when it gets close to houses they will defend them .
  Further down the esplanade is the water park - a huge pool for everyone to cool down in .

 From here we rode out along the marina wall . If you look back at the photo of the pier , you can see some tall masts on the left hand side , well , let me tell you , they are the masts of the biggest sailing yacht that we've ever seen - it was nearly 50 m long , and the masts looked like they were almost as high as it was long !!!

 There were several other boats as well , most of which were large also !!

  There are beautiful tree lined walkways leading you in all directions , it was nice and cool in the shade .

   Without any further ado , we decided to have some lunch , were else but at The Pier and at Tha Fish Restaurant , for their lunchtime special - reef fish , salad & chips served with a beer or wine or soft drink or juice . I chose a beer , Lyn had a juice , and it was up there with the best we've had !!

 Views , as you can see , were over the marina and East Trinity - another view of the fire .

 After finishing our meal , we headed off again past the old pier and then the Cruise Liner Terminal , more sculptures - this time a pair of turtles , a tree of sorts and birds .

 Here are some shots of the main street .

 We made our way back up the esplanade to the ute for a bit of a rest in the shade of a beautiful tree to cool down a bit - it was 31 degrees !!
 From here , it was down to a couple of shops to chase some minor things for the van , then it was home - the sunset was amazing , topping of a good day .

 Here's a map link :-

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