The starting point

The starting point

Saturday 2 September 2017

2/9/17 Around & about

  Things have been a bit quiet of late , golf on Wednesday , shopping on Thursday - but with that we also checked out the lookout at Atherton .
 This is one of the fairways at Mareeba Golf Club , with some of the resident kangaroos .

 Hallorans Hill Lookout at Atherton -

  After a drive around to try and find Carrington Falls - no not the one at Robertson - we did a loop and ended up back on the highway and back into Atherton .
 A trip to Big W was called for , so we drove into the carpark and were astounded with the trees - no leaves , just bunches of bright yellow flowers , and lot's of them !!

 I don't know what the name of the tree is , but it is visually stunning !!
Shopping done , we headed for home and a quiet afternoon . We were treated to a wonderful sunset as well .

 Friday 1/9/17

  Into town to pick up some mail , then back to chat to Emma , then I climbed onto the roof of the van and washed it down , another day done !!

Saturday 2/9/17

 Some fool decided to play golf , with an 8:08 am tee off at Atherton Golf Club - that meant getting up at 6am , so we could get to Atherton at 7:30am . Having not played here before , it was going to be an interesting game , it was also their monthly medal round , so the course would be set up to it's hardest . I played with a couple of the local members who were most helpful . It's a lovely course , not as long as Moss Vale , but still can be tricky , with sharp doglegs and strategically placed dams & hazards , not to mention the narrow driving areas on some holes as well . I ended up with 88 off the stick for a nett 73 - reasonable seeing as I hadn't played here before .
 We drove out to the east of Tolga and found a huge hot house setup - probably about 100 acres - growing berries - not sure what type , the sign didn't tell us . We drove past a lot of peanuts being grown as well .
 After some lunch at Rocky Creek War Memorial , we had a bit of a look around . This was one of the biggest war hospital sites in Australia - there were up to 4,800 beds in 3 separate hospital sites in a 2 square kilometre site . Injured soldiers were brought up from Cairns via the railway . There are remnants of the building foundations at several locations . There would have been a tent city here as well , covering the area of a small town !!
  Back to the van again , the afternoon clouded over and the temperature was reasonable so we got back up on the roof and polished it and the rear wall in just over 1.5 hrs . Think we may have earned a quiet beer this afternoon .
  That's your lot for the moment , all up to date , here's a map link :-

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