The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 3 September 2017

3/9/17 Fathers Day drive

 Happy Fathers Day , today we headed for the hills , specifically the hills behind us that separate the tablelands from the coast . Tinaroo Falls Road leads up to Emerald Creek Falls - we visited them 2 years ago , but not today , the road leads to Tinaroo Dam and was recommended to us as a good drive.
 The road turned to gravel , but was in great condition and started to climb through dry eucalypt forest , trees growing out of the plentiful rocks , plenty of space between trees .

The further we drove , the thicker the forest got and the taller & straighter the trees .

 The road was turning to the east and still climbing , next we found Mt Edith Road and took it . A clearing appeared beside the road with views back toward Mareeba in the distance . The clearing is actually a large granite boulder , beside it are several large boulders as well .

 Vegetation was changing constantly , into wetter forest , then rainforest .

 This drive is really good for the soul , driving through such beautiful rainforest is magical , equally as good as The Daintree , but with less people . Rocks , trees , vines & ferns everywhere , crystal clear cool creeks , the smell of the rainforest and the sounds of all the different birds - stunning !!

 We got to one area that had huge boulders , the top of each one covered in ferns , there was also a waterfall that you could hear , but you could only catch a glimpse through the trees and it was only 5m off the road !!

  The road started to wind downwards again , before long we came back out onto the road that goes around Tinaroo Dam , we turned left and headed back toward the Gillies Hwy .
 Next stop was lunch at School Point campground - one of many campsites around the dam . It showed us how far down the dam actually is - now 43% .

 All of these trees would be under water when the dam is full !!

 Back to the ute and some lunch , we were joined very quickly by 2 kookaburra's and 3 kurrawongs . It's pretty obvious that people feed them , as while we sat on the green grass one kookaburra swept down between us , narrowly missing our bread rolls that we were holding . We moved back and stood beside the door of the ute for some protection . I was nearly finished my roll , there was a piece left about the size of a golf ball in my right hand , then without a noise the kookaburra swooped , taking it out of my fingers without touching them , cheeky bloody bird !!!

 The kurrawongs , got some of the cheese that fell out when the kookaburra landed , they had piercing yellow eyes . And that's the reason people shouldn't feed native animals & birds , imagine if that had been a small child having their lunch !!

 Back down the road again , stopping next at Mobo Creek Crater . There's a 600m circuit walk through the forest to the crater - not actually a crater , but a wall of basalt from an old lava flow that's blocked the creek and formed a large pool , forcing the creek to go around it instead .

  Some fungus was growing out of a log , it looked like small satellite dish's .

 Further down the road was a sign to Gillies Lookout , it was only 4.6klm so off we went . On an uphill section we came across a car stopped in the track and no way around it , so we stopped and had a word to the lady driver - she had lost her nerve and the cars wheel's had started to spin . I offered to drive it back down for her and then get it up the hill as well - she agreed within a millisecond . After reversing the ute back , I walked up to the car , she said there's a dog in the car - do you want me to get her out - it was a german shepherd - I said yes . I reversed the car back , then drove it up the hill straddling the wheel ruts - she was most appreciative !!
 The rainforest is bordered by grassy fields .

 After a few klms we reached the lookout , the views were amazing , we were at 2460 ft above sea level - another hang gliding takeoff . The view to the east is toward Gordonvale , overlooking Goldsborough and Little Mulgrave .

 In the clouds out from the lookout is Mt Bellenden Kerr - Queenslands 2nd highest mountain , the highest mountain is Mt Bartle Frere and it's to the right of the lookout - both had their peaks in the clouds !!

 That was it for today and we made our way back home , getting random breath tested in Atherton on the way - passed of course !!!!
 Here's a map link :-

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