The starting point

The starting point

Saturday 16 April 2022

13/4/22 Wilmington


   Today we headed into Port Augusta , the road leaving ? hill is still horrendous , and doesn't get any better till we get past the prison & closer to town . I know it's easter shortly , but this place is nuts - hundreds of people are out shopping for the holocaust ( how rude of the shops to be closed for ONE day!!)

 After fighting the hoardes in the supermarket , we fuelled up and got the hell out of there . The old wharf has been fenced off , but I managed to stretch up & over the fence to get this shot .

   Solar and wind power now dominates the view as we head south , then turn off and go up Horrocks Pass to Wilmington . It is so nice seeing a mountain range again ( it's the little things ). The ute wasn't so sure though , first time going up for so long , but handled it well - bit more of a load to pull with full fridge , pantry and fuel tank !!
   Wilmington is just over the range and is based on the foothills of the Flinders Ranges . It was one of many towns to assist graziers and wheat growers etc . Lot's of beautiful old buildings , most of which are being looked after . Deciding to stay the night was a good choice , some washing to do and a bit less driving will be good . After lunch we headed into town and checked out a lot of old buildings , here's some of them .

The streetscape looks great .

   On the drive over Horrocks Pass , we again saw a sign for a lookout , we went back to have a look . Wow what a view back to Spencer Gulf .

 We were perched up in the Flinders Ranges with some of the best views .

 Port Augusta is to the middle top of photo

   You can see the fold lines in the ranges and the track we came up .

 And of course an aerial view for when a lookout isn't high enough hahaha .

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