The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 2 August 2016

1&2/8/16 Sunsets & Dinosaurs


 Not a lot to talk about today - we we’re busy washing the van & the ute . Lyn cooked a great roast beef for lunch . We we’re told about the meat at Marble Bar , so we bought a piece and cut some steaks of it and used the rest for a roast - it was some of the best steak we’ve had . Moral to the story - when someone tells you about something , try it before you leave the town , so you can buy more before you leave !!! 
 We did have a great picnic tea down at Cable Beach at sunset though . Just to give you some idea of how many people drive down onto the beach , check the photo .

 4 planes came in to land , it must be a great view !!

 The stream of cars off the beach is something to see as well .

We keep talking about how big the sunsets are , so here’s a photo .


  More maintenance today , cleaning lots of different stuff , rebolted the leaking tank that’s not leaking - my repair has worked so far !! 
 After lunch , we headed off to do some shopping , before going to Gantheaume Point . At the point there is a lighthouse - still operating , rocky outcrops and dinosaur footprints that can be found below the rocks at low tide - it was popular today with over 100 people down to try and find them .

 The cliffs are orange sandstone , with many different layers , below the cliffs is even more rock , ripple stone and rock shelves . 

The footprints have been described as like emu prints only bigger . We managed to find a few of them .

The tides here go out & come back in at the same speed , and we’d been down at the waters edge for long enough , so back up the top we went . Sitting on the rocks overlooking the footprints just soaking up the views , we started chatting to a gentleman from Brisbane . Before we knew it , the sun was nearly setting , so we had to stay and watch it - we hadn’t seen a sunset for 24 hours !!

That’s it for another day or two .

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