The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Another day at the lagoon Fri 10/7/15

Awake with the sun , groundhog day , some people had packed & left already , we weren’t that interested .
 We got up to a beautiful reflection in the water & decided this will do us for a couple of days !! Breakfast done , time for a paddle .

 We changed and headed to the water to find the breeze starting to pick up , too late now , we paddled with the wind today , hoping that once we get around the corner it will ease a bit, it did , we reached the corner like we’d been flung out of a slingshot , even the pelicans snoozing on the bank weren’t bothered by us . The cormorants all took off when we got close , but the pelicans just looked , closed their eyes and slept on . We went down about 2 klms before turning and heading back , didn’t want to be paddling into the wind for too far , although this kayak does go well into the wind . Cruising back we crossed the lagoon a couple of times to minimise the wind , the pelicans still slept , the cormorants still flew away . We passed a single Jabiru again , as well as a few kingfishers , herons etc etc .
 We arrived back at camp and jumped out leaving the kayak beside the water , with the intention of going again this afternoon . Time for catching up on some research  - travel brochures - and some brain food - soduko - while watching the comings & goings - this place is really busy . Everyone seems to drive in , stop at the picnic area with a lot of finger pointing and discussion , before getting in and driving in one direction or the other , dispersing themselves in this huge free camp .

 Time for a walk before lunch , heading the same way we paddled , we got about 200m before the first people started talking to us , off again to the next van and another chat , another 100m and another chat . Hang it , it’s time for lunch , so we headed back the 400m we had already walked !!
BBQ lunch again , salmon rissoles were great , cleaned up and sat outside under the awning , then Julie arrived to give us some information about WA and some of the best places to stay - She & Greg are from WA , but are also travelling full time - we learnt a lot of useful tips from them . We sat around their campfire last night and will do so again tonight . Julie went back over at 5:30pm , we got organised and followed , watching one of the best sunsets we’ve seen - even had the camera this time !!

 About 7:30 we tore ourselves away , and went back to the RV for showers & tea . Another hectic day at the office !!!!

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