The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 5 July 2015

Hi , We're Back

 We had a great day off , thanks !!
After two cool mornings - we got down to 4.4 yesterday and 5.8 today , but got up to 26 & 27 during the day . I know , it's not as cold as Mossy - probably won't ever be either !!!
 Down to business , today we decided to have another paddle at Lake Moondarra , so headed out via a few back streets and out to another boat ramp a bit further up than the one we used for our paddle the other day . The day was so much better , with no wind , just the occasional puff of air .
 We unloaded and got in , paddling to the east of the island in front of us , toward the dam wall . As we rounded the island we had a large collection of birds - pelicans & cormorants mainly . They saw us and the cormorants decided to take flight , the pelicans stayed where they were - I don't know whether they were hunting in a pack or not , but it was a large group of birds !

 We paddled to the west , down an arm of the lake we didn't go down the other day . The ridges either side us seemed to disappear into the distance , with reflections finishing the picture .

 Continuing on , we crossed over to the other side , and thought we'd go down as far as we could - the ridge in the photo above is part of an island , the plan was to go around the island , except we didn't get to the end of it to go round it !! 

  The ridges stopped on the north side and turned into a flat valley with trees , we crossed over to the end of the ridge again to marvel at the Calcite rock ridge - the whitish rock that is harder than the surrounding rock . We passed a few other birds on the way , white herons , cranes & pelicans .

 As you can see , there is a lot of shale type rock here , stacked randomly by nature at all sorts of angles . We decided to return to the ute and have some lunch , that in itself took us a fair while . We paddled about 7 kms today , and it was awesome !! 
 We had lunch on the grass at the picnic area , then headed back to town to fill up with fuel and get organised for a roast dinner , we also packed up a bit getting ready for tomorrow - we are on the road again , this time heading to Camooweal , and then onwards into Northern Territory , probably staying at Barkly Homestead . 
 So here is a bit of forewarning , we won't have any internet or phone service for a few days , but we will catch up again !!

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