The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Another day at the lagoon Part 2 Sat 11/7/15

After an awesome nights sleep , we choose to stay another day at the lagoon . The lagoon was exactly the same as yesterday at dawn - the only change was the positions of the birds !!
 Lots of people packed up & left today , the replacements were fewer however .
We went for a walk about a kilometre up the track that stretches to the south and came back to have a BBQ lunch again . Waiting for the wind to die down a bit so we could go for another paddle this afternoon . While sitting outside reading , we heard a hawk swooping down to the water , we looked up in time to see it swoop down on the water and grab a small fish about 150mm long neatly with it’s talons , then flew across the lagoon and fed itself & family - What a great sight !!! 
 We eventually paddled up about two & a half kilometres and back , the breeze still blowing .
 There were some of the local indiginous camping further down the lagoon , having a great time and not causing any dramas .
 After a beer & some salsa , we went across to Greg & Julie and chatted to them for an hour or two - they have been a great assistance to us with information & places to go & stay .
 Not even a photo today , the camera isn’t sure what’s happening , the ute has nearly filed for divorce - it hasn’t moved in days !!!! Things will change tomorrow as we head further north .
 See you soon - maybe not soon alright !!

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