The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 26 July 2015

Fond Farewell Sun 26/7/15

 Up before the sun again , 21.7 degrees at 7am ; 27.9 degrees at 9am , today was a hot one , and got to 36 degrees !!!
 It was pack up day , there was a feeling of the holiday ending today , that was just how we felt leaving Kakadu , ecstatic that we'd be able to see it , not sadness , but a fond farewell to somewhere we will definitely be back to in the future !!
 On the road by 9am again , a couple of photos for Garry , with a Kakadu sign at the front and away we went , off to the west towards Darwin , unsure where we will be tonight , that will pan out as the day goes on .

 Trundling down the Arnhem Hwy , our first stop was Aurora Kakadu Hotel for a toilet stop . Back on the road again and Lyn was driving like she was late for an appointment - the ute just wanted to go today - must have been all that red dust we washed off yesterday - Ute & RV would be a good 10 kg lighter !!!
We missed a rather large python that decided to warm up on the bitumen . The vegetation was changing as we went , we were entering wetland country and found ourselves moving from timbered areas to just pandanus palms & grass , then into a vast area of grass & native rice in a floodplain . We crossed the West Alligator River - a rather murky river , with sloping muddy banks , and you guessed it , salt water crocs lying in the sun - within 100m of the highway !!!
 Deciding to continue toward Darwin we passed a few rest stops and Mary River Roadhouse , Corroboree Roadhouse , Window on the Wetlands , then stopped at Beatrice Hill rest area for lunch . We thought we'd better ring somewhere to stay , so we knew where we were heading to . Well, after ringing 5 parks and an irate lady who I'd rung twice - oops the number 4 & 7 are a bit close and got mixed up , ah well can't win them all !! We realised the rumours about Darwin were correct - it's booked out , there's a horse racing carnival and a lot of other events on for the winter season !!!
 The decision was then made to back track 20 klms to Corroboree Roadhouse , stay there for 2 nights and head to Berry Springs for a week - where we managed to book into from Tuesday !!
 We checked in & set up , bought a carton of beer , sat down for a while before it was swim time , the water was cool but a welcome distraction from the heat . Sufficiently cooled , it was back to the RV for one of those chilled beers & salsa .
 Here are some more photos from yesterday .

 After spending a week in Kakadu , we have come to the conclusion to not always listen to the detractors and make up your own mind . Kakadu has won our hearts , and is a very special place, to have been able to see it , & share some of it's culture , it has been one of the best experiences we have had . Being on country and gaining an appreciation of the indigenous culture and their use of the land is incredible and changed the way we think .
 In our minds Kakadu has won hands down !!!

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