The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Elliot here we come Wed 8/7/15

Waking with the sun again , we got up a bit later at 7:30 . There was some wind blowing from the south east , which was okay for us as we were heading north , if you were going south however , you would have been in with a good push into the wind . 
  There was no rush this morning , as we were maybe going to Banka Banka Station , only about 120klms away . The Stuart Hwy was a bit busier today , with lots of caravanners and road trains , also a smattering of cars . 
 Lyn drove today and had the dubious honour - another first for us - being overtaken by a road train. It was all easy , we called him up on the radio and told him we would get him past when he was ready - he replied no worries , just keep going the way your going . We called him through when it was safe , he got alongside and we backed off to get him past safely . He asked about our rig - he seemed impressed with it !!
 It was an undulating drive , up hill , down hill , a lot of straight road and then quite a few corners all thrown together . 

The only road kill we saw was about 5 cattle and one lonely kangaroo - the first one for the NT . You don’t realise how isolated you are out here , if something happens , you are a long way from everywhere !!!! On most occasions , the locations on the map are only a building - maybe !! It’s a long way between fuel stations , diesel being anything from $1.58.9 at Tennant Creek to $1.88.9 at Three Ways and unleaded petrol is even higher !!!
 The kilometres rolled away quickly , we found ourselves at Banka Banka Station at 10:30 am , and decided to continue onwards to Elliot - it was only 255klms from Tennant Creek and to be honest , there isn’t a whole lot to do in between .

  We arrived at 12:30 and checked in , finding a site to put us on , setting up and having lunch . It was about 2pm and we decided to go out to Longreach Lagoon about 10klms down a sandy corrugated track . It turned out to be pretty good , so much so that we would probably take the RV down it . We got to the lagoon - 50 to 60 metres wide and stretching into the distance both sides - and headed toward the left ( southern side ) to check out the camp sites . There were about 12 caravans down this side , well spread out , we turned around after a couple of kilometres and headed back to the right ( north side ) of where we came in . Now this is where we found another 40 odd vans & campervans & motorhomes spread over the next 2 -3 klms . I think we have found our destination for Thursday & Friday. 

 Heading back in to Elliot , it’s a bit hard to call it town , not quite big enough , however it is the second largest town on the Barkly Tableland ( scary stuff ) and settled in for some beer & salsa before going out the front & filling up the ute ready for the next drive . 
 The sunset was the usual , widespread glow that just seems to get brighter and larger before disappearing into the darkness . 

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