The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Kakadu Day 3 Tues 21/7/15

Awake with the birds , it was a warm night , only down to 19 at 6am . We decided to move on to the next campsite , luxury this time - it has showers as well as toilets - oh , and a boat ramp - that’ll come in handy - not !! 
 Packed and on the road at 8:45 , we cruised down Kakadu Hwy with Lyn at the wheel . Nothing untoward happening , the landscape was starting to change - we were leaving stone country and entering lowlands where the spiral pandanus was starting to become more frequent with a lot more grass .

 Large chunks of the park have been burnt off - it’s prime burning time this time of year , and they take advantage of it , with not a day going by without some smoke in sight somewhere . It does look better for it as well - the fire burns slowly with not a lot of intensity , so doesn’t do much damage .
 We arrived at Mardugal campground at 9:45 and went for a walk to find a spot to set up - after much deliberation , we picked one and Lyn reversed into place , we were set up and siting down contemplating our next move by 11:30 . 
Cooinda resort is 4.5 klms away , so we headed around there - you can book your tours there for lots of things , we chose the Yellow Waters Cruise for tomorrow at 9am . There is a large pool and a restaurant & bar that anyone can use - we’ll use that later , the temperature was 32 degrees . Off to the ute again and down the road about 8klms to JIm Jim Billabong , we liked the thought of lunch by the billabong . We arrived after a detour down another track , not very well sign posted , but we drove through sections that are normally under water in the wet season . Back to the Billabong , we found the day use area , the boat ramp & the campground , we went to the boat ramp and had some lunch beside lots of pandanus & paperbarks and a beautiful waterhole . We were cautious near the water , there are big things that would like you for a meal up here !! 

 While we were eating , there was a large splash and lots of ripples in a pool in amongst the pandanus , we looked but didn’t investigate too thoroughly - you dont need to find some things !!!
 The water in the billabong is crystal clear - nature certainly is having a chuckle at everybody , fancy creating something so beautiful and enticing , and then put a handful of man eaters in there , it’s a cruel joke !!

Back into Cooinda , we went to the Warradjan Aboriginal Cultural Centre for a look - and looked we did , and looked , and read & read some more - there were information boards telling stories and showing weapons , tools , canoes , rafts , fish traps , art & craft and of course a shop where you can buy your souvenirs . It was a nice change from the heat outside , it is air conditioned and nice & cool , but it was equally nice to get back outside as well , a little too cool . 
     That done we headed back to Cooinda - about 2 klms - and jumped in the pool - not heated and the water was cool , but it had the desired effect , we were functioning better again .
 Back to the RV for a relax & some salsa & a beer , after a not too stressful a day .

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