The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Off to Mataranka Sun 12/7/15

Pack up day , up before the sun at 7:15am . There has been wind blowing all night , and still was - fortunately for us , it was a cross tailwind , meaning it was behind us and to the side a bit .
 We packed and said our goodbyes to Greg & Julie before tackling the track again - 12 kilometres of sand and some corrugations - nothing we couldn’t handle . It was better this morning , we didn’t meet anyone on the way out !! 
 Onto the highway and off we go , the ute is towing effortlessly , we are cruising between 90 and 95 klm/hr normally . Cars are approaching and overtaking rapidly in the 130 klm/hr sections , and only 2 trucks overtook us today one tilt tray with a rather banged up Mazda BT50 , and the other a roadtrain , who chatted to us for a while on the CB radio after he passed us .
 We stopped at Daly Waters pub for a loo stop & driver change - it was only 11:30am - far too early to stop . Fuel there was only $1.67.9 for diesel . The pub has the fuel as well , inside the pub there are business cards , hats , shirts , singlets , money , thongs , number plates and bottles hanging up everywhere you could put something !!!

 The vegetation was changing as we went along , with the appearance of more trees that were getting higher - up to about 10m , there was much more grass as well . Roadkill was on the increase , but we only saw about 6 dead kangaroos - still outnumbered by dead cattle though !!!

  We stopped at a rest area 40 klm from Mataranka , to have some lunch - there were already people parked for the night - it was 12:45 - going to be a long wait till the sun goes down !! There was a motorhome and 6 caravans parked up for the day - not much shade and temperatures in the low 30’s - what a good decision !!!
 Continuing on , we reached Mataranka in no time and went to the dump site to empty the tanks - bad news - it was full & had overflowed already - canned that idea and headed to the caravan park . We had three to choose from , only one had a dump point - it was the last one we went to - they let us empty out , but didn’t have a powered site available , they were full . Back into town and to the first one we tried , they had some sites left , so we took one for a couple of nights to get things charged up and cleaned up . 
 Lyn is getting much better with her driving and reversing , getting in & out of 4 parks today , and reversing twice !!!!

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