The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 23 July 2015

Our Solar System Thurs 23/7/15

 Here we are again , todays journey was a slow one , waiting for the solar to charge the batteries enough to pack up - you see we had a small hiccup in the scheme of things , the solar system didn't reset itself and wasn't charging the batteries - Lesson 1 - check everything is working correctly BEFORE you discover it isn't working !! It had stopped a couple of days ago , and with the current draw of the fridge being larger than normal due to the hot weather , the batteries had run down too low for us to function properly . We have had many calls to our resident RV Supplier , who assisted us every step of the way , which we are very grateful for - THANKYOU  Garry Lee !!!
 Watching everyone pack up & head off was interesting for a while , while I tinkered with the wiring -12 pin plugs . Nothing seemed to work - might be an auto electricians job this one !!
 I took some rubbish over to the bin , and got talking to a guy , explained our situation , and I asked him if he had a generator , and if so could we borrow it for a little while to get things going again . He did and we could - I drove round to pick it up , Nigel came with me and we got everything sorted and charging !! Yahoo !!!! We let it charge up for a while , so I showed Nigel through the RV , then packed up and drove round to Nigel & Kim's and delivered the generator back . Nigel then got his multimeter out and we checked the connections , changed a few round , and still had no luck - by this stage the sweat was rolling out of me , it was getting really hot . Turns out , Nigel & Kim & the 3 kids are having a tour around the country and will be back in the northern suburbs of Perth in a couple of months time - they have been gone for about 11months already - time for 2 kids to go to school & Nigel back to work . We will catch up with them in Perth , we owe them a drink or two for their assistance , they wouldn't take any money !! Thanks Nigel & Kim !!!
 We chatted to them for over an hour before heading off to Jabiru - 50 kms down the road , and the main centre for Kakadu - we could also get a powered site to recharge everything for a few days .
 We got there and emptied the tanks , before booking in at Kakadu Lodge & Caravan Park . We parked and plugged the power lead in first & foremost , then set up before having some lunch , it was only 2 pm !!
 Time to shop , Foodland supermarket at Jabiru isn't the prettiest building - all Besser brick , just like all the buildings around it !! Heading back to the park , we quickly got the food away & got changed - it was swim time , time to cool down .
 Did I say cool down , it was 35 degrees outside , we found the pool and bar area , there is a shade sail covering most of the pool - a large resort style with a sloping section to make it easy for anyone to get in , a waterfall at the other end and a bar beside it . The water temp would have been about 20 degrees , it was funny watching everyones reaction as they entered the water , it was cold . We walked in half way and stopped for a minute or two before taking the plunge , it took your breath away , talk about instant goose bumps !!! We cooled down rapidly , swimming across the pool a few times to generate some heat in the muscles , after about 10 mins we got out and sat on the grass dripping dry in the sun as it was going down .
 Back to the RV for cheese & bickies & a beer . A couple walked past and started to chat about 5th wheelers - they have one as well , a Crossroads Cruiser , 30 ft long - heavier than ours , so they have to pull it with an F250 truck . He was impressed with ours , amazed at how much storage space we have and liked the internals as well !! We learnt from them that there was a rangers talk & slideshow on tonight at 7:30 pm beside the pool .
 We cooked up some of the meat that had thawed out a bit , rather than refreezing it - this will do for the next few nights - it predicted to be 35 degrees for the next 3 days , so now we won't have to cook!!
 Off to the pool at 7:30 , and learnt about a lot of the animals in Kakadu , region by region . There are a vast array of animals calling Kakadu home , some friendly , and a lot that aren't friendly !!! Christian knows an awful lot about the place and is one of the rangers employed at Kakadu , and is a great talker .
 Looking forward to going to some of the rock art sites and getting a guided walking tour !!
Todays map link :-

 Photo's from yesterdays cruise .

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