The starting point

The starting point

Friday 31 July 2015

Work before play 31/7/15

 Another day in paradise , hot again - 16 degrees at 7am , 22 at 8am , 26 at 9am etc , etc , 33 at 3pm , hot , hot , damn hot !!
 This morning was spent doing some maintenance , cooking & cleaning . Not really exciting , but had to done . 
 We had a cooked lunch so as to get out of cooking when its really hotter and the wind has dropped . Cleaned up after lunch and got ready to head into Palmerston to pick some stuff , hopefully our mail will have arrived , nope - ah well it’ll have to wait till Tuesday now as Monday is Darwin Cup Day :- a public holiday !! 
We checked out the shopping centre to see whether I could get a hair cut , which I could , and we did a bit of shopping as well .
 We drive along Channel Island road to go home , so we decided to see what’s there , apart from Channel Island . There were several buses behind us , and we passed 4 going the other way , the plot thickens - must be a lot of school kids living out this way !! 
 Out a bit further , round a few bends and there is a turnoff to the right , there are two Liquified Natural Gas Plants - one in operation and a second under construction , that will make the first look miniature !!! All of the buses were turning here , and there were still more coming out , must have been a shift change - not many school kids on those buses !!! 
 Down the road we came to a power station , further out we arrived at the bridge to Channel Island , and crossed over to find another large power station , an aquaculture business and another small gas plant . 
 The drive out was pretty much through mangroves the whole way out , and Channel Island wasn’t much better . We turned and headed back , finding an immigration centre on the other side of the road to the LNG plants , we were too busy checking them out to see this - amazing what happens on the other side of the road !!
 Back to camp and it was definitely time for a beer & cheese & bickies , we missed the swim today , but will catch up tomorrow , sometime after the tyres get fitted !! 

  Just a little retrospective look at some where we have visited in 2008 and the same location 2015 -Waterpark Creek Byfield 

 Top photo is prior to the cyclone , bottom photo is after the cyclone - check out the differences !!!

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