The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 21 October 2015

A ride & a 4wd 21/10/15

The windy theme continued today , we went for a ride on the bikes , down a few streets we wanted to look at , and across town then back again . The wind wasn't too bad , until we turned and headed back along the esplanade - it was howling , at one stage we decided it would be easier to walk , so we did . We found a seat in the park and stopped for a while , until the creaking dead branch above us scared us away . Back to the park was the order , the last 500m was easy , we had some wind behind us .
  Then we headed back to the shops in the ute to do some food shopping . The 2 supermarket here are small and smaller , but we got enough to cover us for the next few days . Back to the park and some chicken carbonara for lunch , and it was good !!
 Off after lunch , we headed down River Rd - I had been told about it on Saturday at golf - so away we went . Hubs locked , 4wd selected , away we went - there were nervous moments and memories every time we came across some thick sand , some tracks we chose not to go down - we didn't have our plastic shovels ( paddles - read blog from Denham ) with us , so we kept heading out the main track - we still found sand , and in some spots thick & soft and over 100m of it . We made it through and kept going , we weren't far from reaching the Murchison River .
 A turn to the left looked good , so took that one and found ourselves beside the river with tables & chairs & a Bbq . The edges of the river were very muddy and weedy , but it was worth the drive out to see it . The ute came into its own again and got us here without a drama .

  Following another track we headed down the river side to another popular spot a kilometre or so down .

  With that we headed back to tackle the sand again , all good we made it back through , although the last 5m of the long section nearly stopped us . We bounced our way back into town and back past the river park . The water was getting really chopped up by the wind , and the ocean looked just as unfriendly , with white caps everywhere .
 Back for cheese & bickies & the obligatory beer .
 See you tomorrow .Todays map :-

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