The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 15 October 2015

Too many Smelly Socks at Kalbarri 15/10/15

 This blog is going to be wildflowers - we found bucket loads of them today on our drive around and to Kalbarri . They were growing in 2 areas that have had bushfires through them - one last year , and the other one earlier this year
 We were told that most wildflowers were finished , there's still lots more to come out yet !! and there's thousands of them around right now . It was difficult to concentrate on driving again .
 We will attempt to name them as well , some will not have names - we couldn't find out !!
Here we go .

Wirey Honey Myrtle

 Everlasting Daisy

 Lambs Wool

Smelly Sock Grevillea


 Pink Morrison 

 Purple Flag


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