The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 3 September 2015

A day at the bay - Roebuck Bay 3/9/15

Sleep in today , 7am !! Nothing planned as yet , so it’ll be an easy morning . Breaky done , we headed down to the front office and booked a tour for Saturday , they weren’t doing it till then . 
  So we decide to go down to Crab Creek Rd and have a bit of a look around , it took us down to Roebuck Bay , further to the south of Broome . The road in was orange & red sand , quite vibrant in colour , it was 12klms of straight corrugated sandy road , till you went around a couple of corners and you find yourself at a T intersection . We parked and wandered down to the beach about 70m away . The sand & soil got redder as we got closer to the beach , there are red dirt cliffs that run along the beach , with weathered rocks , then sand , then the beautiful turquoise blue water and blue sky - just magical !!

 Further along the beach and at regular intervals were very weathered rocks , with bands of colour through them .

 There were also the odd wild flower here & there , some had already flowered and were now covered in seed pods .

 The tide was out when we had arrived and was on its way back in , and moving in very quickly , so we headed back to the ute .

The track then took us up to a bird watching area - about 6klms of worse , sandy corrugated road . It ended past the bird watching area where the red dirt cliffs stopped and the mud flats and mangroves started . It must have been a good area for shellfish for the indigenous , as there was a large shell midden at the end of the road .

 There were various tracks to pull into on the way back to access the beach for fishing . We called in to a couple - thought it may be a good lunch stop , but none of them did anything for us , we kept going .
 At the T intersection , we decided to have a look down the other track , it also led back to Broome - according to our Hema maps on the gps , so away we went . The track was good for a while and wide enough , but gradually narrowed to single vehicle width , the trees started to encroach - enough that we had to dodge a few that were going to scrape the kayak off the roof !! Making it through this section unscathed was a bonus , then we found ourselves out in the open , with a nice wet boggy section in front of us - there was a side track to miss it , but it looked worse than the other !!! With no shovel or anything that would vaguely help us get out if we got bogged , we chose discretion rather than valour and turned around and went back the way we came - at least we knew what to expect this time !!
 We headed back to Broome and went to the southern end of Cable Beach to have some lunch on the beach . 
 Time to shop , and chat with John & Leonie , who are in Darwin , and having just as much fun as we are - it was nice to catch up with them !!!
  Back to the park and time for a swim , the pool is massive - 40m long and 10 - 12m wide  , and the temperature was just right - probably the warmest pool we’ve been in !!
 Time for salsa & beer and then a bit later , some entertainment beside the pool - a guy singing and playing guitar - he was quite good !!!

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