The starting point

The starting point

Friday 4 September 2015

Cable Beach 4/9/15

 The day dawned as usual , awake with the birds again !! We fought the urge and had a sleep in till 7:30 . Decisions made , we would go for a bike ride down to the beach , apologies if you are getting sick of Cable Beach , but we aren't , todays all about it !!
 With the washing out , bikes ready , we headed to the beach . The northern end where cars go down on the beach was our pick , and we rode carefully down the sandy track onto the beach . Heading north for about 400m , before turning and going south . We stopped several times , deciding if we should go all the way down to Gantheaume Point .

Somethings not quite right - bike on the beach ????

 Heading down the beach , we rode within a couple of metres of the water , the sand packed hard enough for us to ride easily , we could have ridden anywhere except up near the dunes . Stopping for a rest and just to take in the views , we stopped about 5m from the water and I went for a wander down the beach & back again , photo opportunities appearing regularly . The tide was coming in and threatening the bikes , so a quick retreat was called for .

 We kept going , the sand appeared to get softer for a while , and made riding harder - we decided to keep going - we were within 2klms of Gantheaume Point , but had a head wind to combat as well .
 Before much longer we had made it to the end - a good 7klms from the other end of the beach .

We decided that we wouldn't ride back down the beach , but go back by road instead . It was fairly uneventful and we made it back about 12:15 - a spectacular 14.5 klm ride - we've had some great rides , but this one is up there in the top few !!
 After lunch , we had a swim in the pool before relaxing for the afternoon . 
The Pearl Festival was having an event down near Gantheaume Point , there were going to be floating lanterns lit and floated down the beach . Well , they had to change locations due to the wind , and change them again just before the launch .
We headed back to the point for the lantern launch at 4:45 and parked up near the racetrack - probably should have gone down the beach like every other man & his dog - there were at least 200 cars on the beach !!! and probably 1000 people or more !!

 We had to wait till after the sun had set , before they launched them . Here's a few more sunset shots .

 It was the first year they have done this and there were a few teething problems - getting the candles to light was a major one , some did , some didn't . Some got launched from a boat anchored off the beach , and were alight - shame they were so far away . 

 The best view of the sunset waited for us , the tide was on its way out again , and there was over 500m of beach from the dunes to the water .

 Today has been one of the best we've had , nothing extravagant , just a great day !!! Did our own little triathlon , ride , swim & walk ( we don't run !!! ) .
 Tune in tomorrow !!!

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