The starting point

The starting point

Friday 18 September 2015

House Creek to Exmouth 18/9/15

 Up with the birds after an excellent nights sleep , very , very quiet - only us and one other couple in this area , 4 or 5 up the road a bit in another area .
 We’re on the road earlyish - 8:05 , to try & beat the heat a bit . It was 20 degrees at 8 , 28 degrees at 9 and topped out at 34 degrees at 11:30 !!
 The landscape was changing , as you would expect , from mountains & hills , to plains and long orange sand dunes . 

 There were wildflowers all the way , grevilleas and wattles starting to flower as well . 
We reached the Great Northern Hwy , and turned to the south , stopping at Nanutarra Roadhouse for some fuel . Back on the road again , we were amused to see signs saying roadwork ahead - for the next 200 klms !!! 
 After about 80 klms we turned off toward Exmouth & Coral Bay , the road getting flatter , with coastal scenery - low scrub , no trees , just the occassional sand dune to drive over - the long dunes are a vibrant orange , with spinifex and wild flowers growing over them . 
 Turning toward Exmouth , we drive past RAAF Learmonth and the public airport before continuing onward . Stopping for lunch on the side of the road at 1pm , we rang through and got a site for a few days , then drove on in to town . We have had a headwind for the last 80 odd klms , the wind coming straight off Exmouth Gulf . 
  That’s about it for today , not terribly exciting , but there you have it !

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