The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Off to the river , DeGrey River 8/9/15

Waking this morning to wind blowing from the southeast - it was warm , today is going to be another hot one - maybe that’s why everyone else was getting packed up early and making a noise!!!
 We cruised into breakfast , then cleaning up the tiny beetles we entertained last night - there must have been a few hundred that liked us that much they decided to stay the night !!
 Finished packing up , we stopped and chatted to Len & Jane for about 15 mins , before we headed out onto the highway again . We unlocked the hubs today - we finally remembered to !!
 More flat country with varying vegetation , grass covered paddocks that stretched to the horizon , only broken up by the occasional tree about 4m tall or some shrubby stuff . They haven’t wasted money on corners in the road either , with straight roads also going to the horizon .

We did come across some very green fields with cattle grazing on them - we had seen them on google maps last night - 2 irrigated round fields . We also spotted some sand dunes - nice white sand , not Pindan red !! 
 After about an hour & a half we arrived at Pardoo Roadhouse , it was only 11am , so we weren’t stopping just yet . After a toilet stop & a driver change , we headed out onto the highway again . The sides of the highway are red gravel , after a while you become accustomed to it and just take it for granted  - it is normal up here . 
 Did I mention it was hot - at 9:30 it was 33 degrees and 35 at 10 , the wind from the southeast was quite brisk and hot !! The temperature stayed about the 35 mark till late in the afternoon .
  Arriving at DeGrey River just before noon , we parked and went for a walk down to the river , to check out where we could park for the night . We walked down under the bridge over the river and round to the other side , before coming back and continuing toward the railway line ( not in use now ) . Some cattle were having a drink at the rivers edge .

 Finding a spot we headed back and brought the ute down , we set up in an open area so the solar panels would have full sun , and could keep a charge going into the batteries . The wind was gusting through , stirring up very fine dust , that gets everywhere !! We pretty much just chilled out in the chairs in some shade for the rest of the afternoon , till it was time for some cheese & bickies and of course , a nice cold beer !!
 The wind started to back off and the temperature finally started to come down !!
 The sun was setting on another day , so I grabbed the camera and went for a walk to the river . The bridge was just asking to be photographed , so I obliged , hope you like the sunsets !!

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