The starting point

The starting point

Monday 7 September 2015

Moving Day again 7/9/15

Okay readers , here's the goss -  We awoke to a strange morning sight - it was completely overcast - we haven't seen that much cloud since we were at Ravenshoe months ago !!!
 Today we had a driving day , no photos , and have ended up at Sandfire Roadhouse . It's about halfway to Port Hedland .
 The backpacker workforce at the roadhouse must be due for a break , as they have the personality of a house brick at the moment !!
The drive from Broome to here is not terribly inspiring to say the least , there were the changes in vegetation , trees - albeit short ones , grasslands as far as the eye could see , termite mounds that at one stage were almost white in colour - a stark contrast from the orange & red ones , and we actually saw some jump ups ( flat topped hills ) - but only once ! There were some wild flowers , purple ones , pink ones and yellow , some wattle is starting to come out in flower as well .
 Stopping at a rest area for a toilet break , we were impressed at the facilities for overnight stays - you could fit at least 40 vans in here at Goldfire Rest Area . It was only 11am and about 12 vans had already set up for the day - questionable as it was 35 degrees at 10:30am .
 Speaking of temperatures , it only got to 36 today at 11am and pretty much sat there till about 4pm .
There was a knock on the door , and one of our neighbours from Kununurra was there , so we chatted to him for a while , Len & Jane had been at Broome also and been camping up near Willie Creek .
 At the park here , there are a few animals roaming around the place , geese , peacocks & hens , wallabies & joeys , a camel with a bad attitude and the biggest bull I've seen . If I stood beside his shoulder I wouldn't be able to see over it . The tip of his horns would be over the 7 ft mark . He is supposed to be over 30 years old !!
 Here's a map link :-

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