The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Karajini 14/9/15

Awake to another sparkling day , after yesterday , we slept in till 8 am - luxury !!
 Today's we are headed about 1 Klm down the road to Fortescue Falls , Fern Pool , Dales Gorge and Circular Pool . The agenda was full !!
 We got to the parking area and wandered down to the lookout , Fortescue Falls did look great , with enough water flowing to show just how magnificent it would be with more water coming over .

Descending the steps and new metal stairs & walkways, we arrived at the top off the falls , next was a 150 m trip up to Fern Pool . The area opened up only to be filled with trees paperbarks , rock figs , grasses and some springs . The huge rocks weren't the same as the stratified ones , these ones were huge lumps of rock that look like they were expelled from a volcano!!  Arriving at the pool , we found a large pool of greeny blue water about 30 m round . There were a couple swimming and 8 others sitting & relaxing, we took some photos of the waterfall and headed back to the main falls .

 Back at Fortescue, we made our way down the natural steps to the plunge pool , stopping for more photos and to enjoy the surroundings, red cliffs , green trees and grasses , blue sky , you get the picture .

The next thing was to walk down Dales Gorge to the Circular Pool and then climb out of the gorge and maybe do the rim track back to the ute . The walk was a challenge in places , but easy in others , we were walking down over the stone floor , with steps as each layer gave way to another . There were lots of pools , twists and turns , walking over stepping stones etc . Also some other fossils.

I forgot to mention the asbestos warning at the start of the hike - there is blue asbestos here in its natural state- quite safe until it is disturbed or mined - Wittenoom isn't far from here - it's an old asbestos mining town , I think it has one resident now , she refuses to move out !! When you know what to look for , you can find it in a lot of places in these gorges !!!

 There are a set of cascades that the water is tumbling off , each one going from one layer of stone to the next , there are plenty of fish swimming around here , even though the water is fairly slimey!!

 We found ourselves at the end of the gorge , and then had to go up to the Circular Pool, another 300 m away . It was a rock scramble from one side to the other , traversing large rock shelves , water , boulders , sunshine and people.
 Up at the pool finally , we sat in the shade and had lunch , 2 hours after starting - we have had a lot of stops on the way for photos , drinks and visual overloading - of which there is plenty .

 Lunch complete, we head back down to the start of the uphill climb . There is a signpost telling you how steep & and dangerous it is , but up we went - Lyn does uphill better than downhill, so it was an easy hike back up to the top!!

 We stopped at the gorge lookout before moving along to the Circular Pool lookout - we sat and pondered why we do some of these things , after seeing the terrain from above!! It was all worth it though!!

 Recuperated , we wandered back down the road to where the ute was parked , the easiest walk of the day !! Then drove back and sat for a while - we were a little tired after today's expedition!!
 After kicking back for a while we did some jobs - clean windscreens and check reversing cameras etc , before having a beer , cheese and bickies .
 We then got chatting to a couple and their 3 kids , in a fifth wheeler travelling for a couple of years . We have seen them at Kakadu , Katherine and the Bungles , now here . We probably won't see them again , as they will be in Perth in 2 weeks! They were impressed by our fifth wheeler !!
 Today has been outstanding , we walked about 4 kms and have seen many more wild flowers on our walk , some that we haven't seen elsewhere!  The temperature only got to 28 degrees today , so was pleasant for walking , it is a bit cooler here than where we've been for the last few months!!
 Beer , cheese and bickies went down well !!!

Today's map link :-

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