The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 10 September 2015

A new look at Port Hedland 10/9/15

 NEWS FLASH !!!! we had some rain last night , Yes you heard it here first , or maybe it was some birds in the tree with bladder problems - we had a good 50 to 60 drops - enough to wake us !!!! After several weeks of dust & dirt & wind , the result looks like the RV is bleeding - with red spots here & there !!  
  Awake early today , the birds , the rain , the hum from the port in the background , and then there’s campus trailerus australis - an interesting species with noisy ratchet handles , poor hearing and lots of peripheral gear that needs to be put away in the early hours , a very noisy little creature !!
 We eventually got up at 7:15 , and after waking properly , we jumped into the ute & headed down toward the port . Arriving at 7:45 , we unloaded the bikes and left the keys with the guys and headed back for breakfast . The windscreen got changed today . 
 We headed straight back down the road we came in on , no diversions , just straight back to the RV for breakfast . It turned out to be an 8.5 klm ride back !! Not very organised , we didn’t take water , and we had a headwind as well , the temperature was already 28 degrees , but the breeze was helping to keep us cool .
  After breaky , the washing went out and we did a few jobs & cleaned  , before heading off to pick the ute up again . A change of scenery was the choice , so we went and rode down adjacent to the  beach , there is a bike track that follows the beach . The beach certainly isn’t your average beach , with orange coarse sand and rock , the dunes were closer to the road and were covered in spinifex and other plants , some of which were flowering .

 The main beach is Cemetery Beach , and is well known for being a turtle nesting site , the name comes from the old cemetery on the other side of the road . There are some manicured parks & playgrounds , and is a beautiful area .
 Just near the park & playground is a section of the beach that is cliff made of orange rock - dolomite limestone , and no sand !!!

 Heading back to the windscreen place , we paid the excess ( $40 ) picked up the ute & packed the bikes away , before going down to the heritage westend area for a look . Parking outside the beautifully built stone 3 storey Esplanade Hotel , we walked across the road to get a photo , then walked down the other side as there is some signs & information about the port . 2010 & 2011 the port loaded 199 million tonnes of iron ore in the year - thats a lot of raw material !!

 Heading back to the park for some lunch , we drove down past the yacht club - curious - there is a pool of water in front of it but no direct access to the ocean - they have to take their boats a kilometre or two to the ramp .
 Lunch completed , we then did some more repairs - changed headlight bulb and checked all the wheel nuts - someone had lost a wheel off their caravan a couple of days ago , we saw the results - the wheel arch was fairly well bashed up and their wheel studs were a bit second hand , fortunately for them it was a twin axle , so they didn’t drag the caravan down the road on its axle !!
 Hot work , so it was time for a swim , before some cheese & bickies and a cold beer .
 Sunsets here are amazing , it’s pretty good as the sun goes down , but after about 20 mins, the sky starts to glow orange , and its wide spread , then the lights from the port facility start to kick in as well !!

 That’s it for today people , a very good day has been had .

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