The starting point

The starting point

Friday 18 September 2015

Tom Price to House Creek 17/9/15

 Moving day today , down the road a bit further again . Today we are off to House Creek , about 60 klms from Nanutarra , and where is that you ask ? on the way to the coast toward Exmouth & Coral Bay , about 2 hours drive past Parrabudoo , which is 70 klms from Tom Price .
 Packed up & hitched up ready to go , we ran into some problems with the 12 pin plug , a spray of WD40 and we were good to go - stopped & chatted to Bob & Sharon for a bit , then we left at 9:10 .
 The drive was interesting , with scenery changing regularly , wildflowers still in full bloom , and new ones coming out . 

At one road cutting , it looked as if someone went berserk with a bottle of talcum powder on the red rocks - there were white rocks that looked very peculiar in this red landscape !! There have been mountains either side of us most of the way today , and that’s what most of the photos are of today , with the exception of Parrabudoo airport . 

 We were just driving along watching the mountains etc , when we found a jet parked in the middle of nowhere , it was Parrabudoo airport , it looked really funny !!  

 There are a lot of fly in / fly out mine workers who come into this airport , then get transported to Tom Price or other mines in the area . We were passed a couple of times by 2 buses that were moving miners in & out .
 After another 10 klms , we reached the township of Parrabudoo , which turned out to be a lot bigger than we both expected , probably the same as Tom Price .  You can see the mine at Parrabudoo in the photo  - the top of the hill is terraced !!  

After missing the turn , we did a U turn through the pub carpark and headed off again , not really sure about the road , as the centre line wasn’t marked on the road for quite a way - it’s a bit disconcerting , especially when you have trucks & cars & buses coming at you !

We survived till it reappeared at the Wittenoom Rd junction . We have dropped down over 550 metres in height today , and it showed in the temperature - 28 degrees at 10 , 34 degrees at 1pm . 
 The road took us adjacent to a river , it did have some water here & there , but definitely wasn’t flowing . Some of the land beside the road looked like it had been graded flat - it looked like a billiard table with trees !! 

 After about 4hours driving , we pulled into House Creek Rest Area and set up for the night , it was too hot to do anything , so we sat outside in the shade for a while till it got too hot , then we went inside and cooled off with our cooling towel . 
 Time for salsa & a beer , before chatting to Rob and Wendy for the rest of the afternoon - they are from the Gold Coast . 

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