The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Broome Day 2 2/9/15

 Today is no rush day , we only have to move 30klms down the road to Broome , so there is definitely no rush !! We cleaned the RV , put some fresh grease on the kingpin & hitch , did other fiddly things , wasted time , then wasted more time - this is ridiculous , we were up at 6:30 and driving out at 9:30 !! 
 The new brake controller was doing it’s set up & calibration as we drove , but something still wasn’t right with it , so we called in to the auto electrician and they sorted it for us - apparently the calibration process in the manual forgot to add one step !!! All good now though !!
 Ringing around , we found a park for the next 3 nights and went and set up , then sat down to do some exciting things after we had lunch - TAX TIME !!! a favourite time of the year !! That done , we headed to the post office to get it in the mail asap .
 After the chores were done , we headed down to the Pearl Lugger - a display of pearls & trinkets , with some of the history of pearl diving and the industry , and 2 pearl luggers - one that’s in desperate need of some tlc , the other isn’t too bad but will still need some help soon . 

 Pearl divers were still wearing the diving suit and the big brass helmets up untill 1975 , a hazardous career choice - relying on a guy up on a seat above you , while you are working away on the sea floor , to guide the lugger and relay messages from you , not have too much rope or your breathing hose out so it can snag on coral & rocks , but give you enough so you’re not bouncing up & down . Many divers died from the “ bends “ - decompression sickness !! 
 There was also someone on deck cranking the handles on the 3 cylinder air pump , to keep you supplied with air !! Here’s the pump .

 We checked another pearl shop down the road , the pearls come in many colours , and many prices - there are some really exquisite examples , with really large price tags as well!!
 That was enough of the window shopping , we headed back to the park - time for a beer !!
Seeing the sun going down , we decided to go down to Cable Beach and watch the sunset . There were plenty of people down beside the surf club , so we headed down onto the beach , tide was going out and was only 1hr away from low tide , there was plenty of sand on the beach - about 250m to get to the water !! While the sun was gradually setting , there was a golden glow across the beach and horizon .

 Further to the north there were people in vehicles , who had driven down onto the beach to watch the sunset . Now they were leaving as the sun had gone down , unfortunately that had to wait a bit to get off the beach as the camel trains were coming off the beach - they use the same access track as the cars .

 We stayed a bit longer as the glow gradually diminished before wandering back to the park.

Another day done , got to say we are enjoying this very much !!

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