The starting point

The starting point

Monday 21 September 2015

Turquoise Bay 21/9/15

A breezy night last night , glad we put the awning away yesterday . 
 Time to shop , heading down to the supermarkets to get some stuff . Went to IGA Express 1st , checked it out and went over to IGA , 30 metres away . Both had aisles you couldn’t fit 2 trolleys going in opposite directions , same products were way differently priced , this was getting confusing , so we shopped in both of them and got the bare minimum !!
 Took it all back home and packed ready for todays little jaunt to Turquoise Bay in Cape Range NP . The only access is to go to the lighthouse , and follow the road down the west side of the peninsular . 
 The drive is basically flat , driving along the coastal plain that runs beside the reef and the range . There are access tracks into the beach at regular intervals , and then you reach the national park , pay your entry fee and go on in , we purchased a 12 month parks pass , so we didn’t have to pay . Off we went into the park , stopping at the information centre to get some brochures ( that I forgot ) before organising where to go . We decided to go straight to Turquoise Bay , it is supposedly the best snorkelling spot . It was only about 10 mins and we were there , pulling into the carpark , we sat in the ute and had lunch in the aircon , it was 35 degrees outside !! 
 Walking down to the bay you can see where the name came from - very nice !!

 I got organised and got in the water , it was great , not cold , but not too warm either , there was very little swell , but there was some currents running below the surface . At first there was a little bit of weed - very low , then the coral started , pinks and oranges , blue and green , it was partially covered with sand & shell grit , but there were fish everywhere , little ones - anemone fish by the hundreds , wrasse - in all shapes & sizes , parrot fish , angel fish & small trevally . As I snorkelled around , a turtle appeared and swam beside me for a minute or two , before disappearing when I looked another direction . Visibility wasn’t the greatest , only about 4m . I found another turtle and swam with it for about 30m before it headed off . Time for a rest , so I got out for a while to dry off .
 Lyn in the mean time had gone for a walk up the beach to the sand spit and then back and around to the rocks at the other side of the bay , having a dip along the way .
 After getting out , we were greeted by a couple from Sydney , who we did the Victoria River cruise , and Willie Creek . We chatted to David & Lucy for a while as they had some lunch . We then moved up the beach to the other end to snorkel up there , David & Lucy joined us again . After another snorkel , we all chatted on the beach while we dried off . 

 After drying off , we decided to head off back to town , it was 4:15 when we got back to the ute , where did the afternoon go ?? Even the camera was wondering what went on today - only 6 photos all up ???? 

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