The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 1 September 2015

A sweep of Broome 1/9/15

A good nights sleep had by all - the cough medicine worked - yahoo !!
 Into Broome by 8am to get our Electric Brake Controller changed - done by 9:30 - all warranty work , cost us nothing but time !! happy with that !!
 Driving into Broome , we found the tourist info centre and spent some time there getting brochures etc , before going across the road to the shopping centre and checked the shops , and the pearl shops . Paspaley have some absolutely exquisite pearl jewellery , and a price tag that reflects that as well !!
 Dreaming over , we headed to Town Beach and the old jetty & Pioneer Cemetery . The colours of the outback beside the ocean were a superb contrast - blue sky , turquoise waters of the ocean , beach sand , red dirt cliffs and orange gravel - it takes a while to absorb it all !!!

 Roebuck Bay stretches into the distance , hard to see the other side !

Navigating our way around to the wharf , we discover it is closed to pedestrians due to a ship being loaded - how inconsiderate , didn’t they know we were coming !!! The beaches stretching back to town are a mix of colours also .

Around at the Fishermans Club , there is a couple of boat ramps at Entrance Point , and a rather rocky foreshore . They also have crocodile sighting boards - last sighting was at 9am this morning - just a little reminder !!!

 From here it was around to Gantheaume Point Lighthouse , another visually splendid spot . The road around to here is orange sand with some corrugations thrown in , its like a big dish drain , with big sloping sides and no where for water to escape to . 
 The lighthouse is like a big tank stand made out of steel , with a light on the top . There is also a couple of birds nests built on it as well . The sea eagles on the 2nd top floor have a nest that covers about 4 square metres , and strangely have 3 birds looking after the babies. 

 Again there are red cliffs with green vegetation and some yellow flowers , leading into the water .

 Off again , a short distance around to another boat ramp , which turned into the southern end of Cable Beach . Lyn wasn’t real sure about going for a drive along the beach , but there were already about 30 cars here , including several 2 wheel drive vehicles , what could go wrong . The sand was reasonably firm and only gave way a little with the weight of the ute on it , we then turned and left the beach .

 Heading up to Cable Beach proper , where there are surf life saver patrols , we arrived and parked in the very large car park . 
 We have timed it well , there is the Festival of the Pearl on this week , with various events and things happening in & around town . Part of that is a sculpture exhibition at Cable Beach beside the carpark . Here are some of them . The 1st one is some timber from an old boat that was sunk by the Japanese bombing , mounted on some timber from the old wharf , also wrecked in the bombing.

 Brolga's mating dance 
 Self explanatory
 Tribute to pearling & the divers
Manta Rays with pearl shell 
 Time to head for home , a swim & a beer with cheese & bickies .

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