The starting point

The starting point

Saturday 3 September 2022

28/8/22 Edith Falls & Emungalan


   After an evening of star gazing , we left Wardle Creek & headed back to Edith Falls again - nothing like staying cool when the heat was up there again . So it was another day of relaxing , going for a cooling swim again and again and again !

   This little guy is a Willy Wagtail according to the bird sign , it was more brown than black .


  the water looked inviting , and it certainly was , best part the crowds hadn't arrived yet , so we had it fairly quiet .

    We jumped in & cooled down , then chatted to 2 young couples for a while till we warmed up again . Yeap you guessed it , back in for a swim , then off for some lunch .

   These flowering grevilleas are certainly popular with all the nectar eating birds , there were always some type of bird in there any time you looked .

    There was also a variety of fish in there , Archer Fish ; Black Bream ; Longtoms like this and a few others that we couldn't put a name to .

    It's a stunning location !

   The downside , it's very popular , tour groups , day visitors and campers all flocking here .

  Another bird having a feed .

   The amenities have been decorated with murals .

   There's lovely shaded grassy areas to sit , play , eat or whatever you like .

   After a  final cooling swim , we dried off and headed down the road toward Katherine , finding another free camp for the night . We had this part of it to ourselves , there were about 15 other vehicles there , but they didn't come anywhere near us .

  Droughtmaster cattle were wandering around in the next paddock .

  Another great day had , we settle in for the night .

   Here's map link : -

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