The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 18 September 2022

9/9/22 Wyndham Sunset


    Todays will be an easy read , we got up , had breakfast , went for a swim and a chat , came back & had lunch - yeah I know , tough day !! We decided to have a quiet day & do minimal driving . 

  The afternoon wasn't any more hectic , after lunch another swim , then up to the lookout for sunset . And to do sunset properly , you take chairs - beats sitting on rock walls for an hour !

   The pile of scrap steel is certainly getting smaller since we arrived 3 nights ago , and they are still loading the ship .

     Full moon is tomorrow , but I couldn't help myself .

   And now for another Kimberley sunset .

    You have to get comfortable to do all this watching !!😆🤣😂

   No maps tonight , all done . Cheers 

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