The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 16 August 2022

12/8/22 Carpentaria Hwy


   Leaving Borroloola today , we are quietly pleased with what we've seen & done here . The road back out to Cape Crawford was as expected , but then we got onto a new section of the Carpentaria Hwy - hopefully it might improve a little ???  This is a section of the ridge , it caught my eye as we drove , so I took a photo .

    There were many sections where Kapok Trees were flowering - seems that they grow in areas with a lot of limestone .

    With the amount of road kill about , there's an increased amount of scavengers ready to get a feed . This wedge tailed eagle decided to exit stage left  - might have helped that we were blowing the horn as we approached it - beautiful birds !

    Stopping for lunch , we pulled off the road just past a truck parking bay - that's it in the photo with the bins on the left . You can see the single lane bitumen , that's why we pulled right of the road .

    Here's a look at the surrounding area .

   Plenty of straight roads out here .

   Back on the road after lunch , we found a camp site just past this impressive gateway for Tanumbirini Station - what a use for old windmills !!

    Across the road is a quarry , there's a couple of waterholes in the quarry , both are dry , very dry ! It seems that this part of the country hasn't had the rain that the east coast has .

    Around the quarry are many different trees , these green flowering tea trees were plentiful .

    As was this shrub that was a little passed it's best - it would have looked stunning a few days ago .

   The old flower heads look as good as the flowers .

    This is what the flowers look like when fresh .

   Time for an aerial view of our camp looking west .

     And this is looking east .

    As i was bringing the drone down , a flock of galahs decided they would chase the drone , or play with it , I managed to get a photo of these 2 that got reasonably close !!

   Sunset wasn't too bad either .

  Here's map link :-

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